One thing is to get a job, another thing is to make sure the job is mature enough to take care of one’s needs, but to be realistic, we all want to go beyond getting what we need, and you also want to satisfy our want. In this situation, no one should remind you that you need a lucrative job opportunity that can take care of you first if you have a family, and then you must have a skill and a job, not compulsory a rat race job, but a skill that can fetch you something is important.
In this content, I will be listing the top lucrative jobs that will make you earn more cash, although I am not a salary earner, I have friends that do this and I know what most of them earn.
Top earning jobs
According to Wikipedia, a job is something a person does often in exchange for money, the reward (money) might be at the end of the week or the end of the month, depending on the agreement between the employer and the employee. Before creating this list, I have made sure the average annual salary has been taken into consideration, aside from that I also consider how desired this job is to employees- I mean some employees cannot do without hiring a certain professional in his or her niche, so how important these occupations are have been taken into consideration.
Here are the highest paying jobs in Nigeria;
– Computer engineer
Now that things have been going digital, there is a need for a laborer who should be in charge of maintenance of the technical things in the system. A computer engineer can make about N320,000 per month, it is one of the most lucrative techy occupations that can be acquired in universities, in most cases you don’t have to go to your office every time in a week.
You also may close earlier than those doing the tedious work there, your work is to maintain any technology-related fault, and if there is no fault detected, it is a plus for you. I have a friend who got a job as a computer engineer in Lagos, she only resumes to work 3 times out of the 5 working days in the week, and she gets a salary of N410,000 monthly including the allowance she got.
– Surgeon
If you need an occupation that can feed you, aside from feeding you to your satisfaction, you what you want, not only the thing you need- I have a lot of surgeons as a senior colleague, so I can testify to their wealth.
A certified surgeon is someone who treats diseases, aliment, injures, or defect through operative method s in other to restore the body tissue of the victim. These people also have people that assist them, these set of people include the surgical assistant and the nurse.
There are different types of surgeons in Nigeria, and they all get paid well, the recent increase in cosmetic surgeries has a great impact on the value of the job. Everyone wants to look more beautiful, some want to have a bigger private part in others to build their self-esteem, some even want to use it to entice the opposite sex. The material used in doing this costs a lot likewise is the charges by the surgeon, a surgeon can make an average of N350, 000 per month, and this is enough for a healthy living.
– Aeronautic engineers/ Pilot
These guys are involved in the movement of people by air, I am sure you know, transportation by air is one of the most expensive means of transportation, especially if you are flying outside the country. The average salary for a first-class officer is about N270, 000 per month while the captions are receiving about N310, 000 per month. If you are considering what the hell are they doing to be worth that amount, then I should tell you that traveling by air is the most deadly mean of transportation, a lot of people’s lives are at stake, and it takes a high level of competence to pilot an aircraft.
The captain and the pilot are fully are responsible for the safety of the passengers and the good which are also been transported by air.
– Petroleum engineers
In Nigeria, oil is the major source of income, although agriculture is getting closer… petroleum engineers are in charge of the oil and gas production in the country, and it is no surprise that these sets of engineers are one of the highest-paid workers in Nigeria. Petroleum engineers will have to design and develop a method which will be used for the extraction of the raw material which will later be processed to produce oil, gas, and so on, the extraction is done on the earth surface, so you should know they need to understand how some sophisticated machines works before work can start.
– Lawyer
Almost every day, one person runs into trouble in the country and if the case is serious, he or she may be charged to court. And here is where the lawyers come in, the lawyer who is also known as a barrister, attorney, or notary is those that act as a prosecutor in court using evidence and other gathered information. When it comes to cases like advice, the legal adviser also comes in to provide people with advice and steps to take which are back-up by the law. Although it is still arguable that this occupation’s financial recognition is not at its peak, this is because clients you will be getting varies, it is not possible they pay an equal amount.
I have people that live a good life as a lawyer and those that live it to the extreme as a result of sufficient and finance they get from their client, if you are also a lawyer, you can be involved in the will and other contract documents.
– Digital marketer
Big companies want their product to get a bigger cost in terms of the audience; with this most of them go digitally. This is one of the well-paid professions in Nigeria; it is very lucrative especially when you have to work with a standard company. Something very interesting and similar to that of the software developer job is that you don’t have to resume work every day. I have someone that resumes on the first day of the month and the last day of the month, this work is work-home base and you can also do some things that can earn you extra cash.
A digital market working with a standard company earn nothing less than N150,000 per month, in some case, you may earner something bigger depending on how well you can negotiate and also how competent you are.
My dad is an architect, so I know what I am saying, aside from using my dad as a good example I move with his student who is now making waves in the industry. make building plans, not only for housing, but they are also in charge of drawing federal and state government development, undertaking plans, they plan structures that are practical, feasible shelter and pleasant to the eye.
– Musician
The music industry is now doing great; unlike before when music was not lucrative, but now if you have the passion to sing, if you know you are good at aligning melody, then you should put your best into this.
Where can you get your money from?
If you have observed the source of income of famous and wealthy musicians, you will understand most of them to get their money from sponsorship and shows, aside from this they also involve in other businesses that earn them a lot. You are already a public figure if you are a famous musician, it is now left unto you to utilize your popularity by getting more endorsement, creating an image that will make people interested in you for shows, and also, you can make money through other means as a.
– Software developer
These guys make plenty of money, they barely go to work, I have seen several developers that just resume working ones in a week. It is fucking enjoyment friend, you don’t have to resume 8 am and leave your office by 5 pm, and you won’t have time to spend with yourself and the family you nurture. A Software developer has to do with some set of activities that will involve solving a problem, you see a problem, and then you solve it by creating something that can make the activities easier.
A good example is the problem of adding bigger figures with the use of stone, then you have to count stones and sum them together in other to get the final answer, but now things easier with software developers, the use of calculator comes in and no one has to go through that stress of counting stones. You can now sum or subtracts million and get your answer immediately.
There are other occupations which include footballer, civil engineers, electrical engineers and so on, you can also go for these if you are sure you have passion for them, above all the main is to live a comfortable life at the end.