Are you looking for business ideas that can be started with a low budget? Here are 8 profitable businesses to consider:
1. *POS Business*: Start a Point of Sales (POS) business with an initial investment of less than ₦20,000. You can get a POS machine from banks, Flutter Wave, or Opay.
2. *Rearing of Rabbits*: Rabbit rearing is a profitable business in Nigeria. Start with three females and one male, and build a cage with the help of a carpenter.
3. *Rearing of Snails*: Snail rearing is another lucrative business idea. Buy baby snails at an affordable price and start rearing them. Snails can produce over 1,000 baby snails at once.
4. *Selling of Recharge Cards*: Start a recharge card business with a low budget. People recharge their phones daily, and you can also offer data subscription services.
5. *Working with a Bakery*: Collect bread from a standard bakery at a discounted price and sell it. You can also offer delivery services to customers.
6. *Selling of Pure Water*: Start a pure water business with an initial investment of ₦50,000. You can use someone’s fridge/freezer initially and sell pure water to customers.
7. *Rearing of Bees*: Bee rearing is a profitable business idea. Keep bees to produce honey, which can be sold for a good price.
8. *Grasscutter Farming*: Grasscutter farming is another lucrative business idea. Start with a few grasscutters and build a cage with the help of a carpenter.
Remember, starting a business requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and hard work. With dedication and the right mindset, you can build a successful business with a low budget.